Public Health Communication Strategies: A Content Analysis of Social Media Campaigns


  • Ajit Sao Institute of Business Management, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Milind Barhate Principal, C.P& Berar College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Mahesh Chopde Department of Management, Science and Research, G. S. College of Commerce and Economics, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Manoj B Pandey MBA Department, Jhulelal Institute of Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Surendra S Jogi Department of Management Studies, J. D. College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Manoj Kumar Rao Department of Management Studies, J. D. College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


Social Media Campaigns, Public Health Communication, Content Analysis, Digital Era Messaging


The rise and improvement of web-based entertainment has achieved a huge change in the field of general wellbeing. This change has opened up remarkable chances to actually spread data and draw in different crowds. To completely get it and look at the effect of web-based entertainment crusades inside general wellbeing systems, this study embraces an extensive investigation. By explicitly zeroing in on crusades that use stages like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, the examination investigates different elements of content, including printed messages, visuals, and intelligent highlights. To acquire complete comprehension, both quantitative and subjective techniques are utilized to break down the substance. The examination means to recognize examples, patterns, and the general viability of various systems utilized in advancing wellbeing, ways of behaving, and bringing issues to light. The review digs into looking for proof-based rehearsals in these missions, as well as the usage of narration, visual illustrations, and client-produced content. By utilizing these strategies, general wellbeing efforts endeavor to actually convey their messages and interface with their objective audiences. This study assesses commitment measurements like likes, offers, and remarks to check crowd inclusion and investment levels. Bits of knowledge from this assessment are expected to outfit significant comprehension for enhancing approaching general wellbeing correspondence via virtual entertainment. Grasping prosperous mission credits can teach experts, policymakers, and wellbeing communicators about beneficially exploiting virtual entertainment stages to reach and resound with different populations, eventually working on the effect of computerized time general wellbeing messages.




How to Cite

Sao, A., Barhate, M., Chopde, M., Pandey, M. B., Jogi, S. S., & Rao, M. K. (2023). Public Health Communication Strategies: A Content Analysis of Social Media Campaigns. South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, 42–52. Retrieved from




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