Call for Papers
Call for Papers for the Upcoming Issue.
The Last Date of Submission: November 30th, 2024
Focusing on Health Systems in Transition and Global Health
The South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH) is an open-access international peer-reviewed journal involving all health sciences and public health areas. Devoted to global health SEEJPH welcomes submissions of scientists, researchers, and practitioners from all over the world, but particularly pertinent to southern and eastern countries in transition.
The editors are especially interested in quantitative and qualitative research examining upstream determinants of population health and health services delivery. This very often implies inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral orientation involving multiple professions and people.
SEEJPH accepts - pending on fast external review within four weeks of submission - original research articles, reviews of relevant literature, short reports, case studies, commentaries, and letters to the editor. Submissions can be online or by email and are checked for plagiarism. Accepted papers are published without delay in the current issue, accumulating the most recent contributions successively.
The South Eastern European Journal of Public Health is a significant achievement of the Forum for Public Health in South Eastern Europe (see the closed website:, a project funded by the European Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe 2001-2011. The Forum also published over 3000 pages of teaching books for Public Health/Health Sciences, incl. a selected 2nd edition 2014), and organized annual summer schools in all succession states of the former Yugoslavia.
South Eastern European Journal of Public Health(SEEJPH) is now published by Uphills Publishers LLC, Sheridan, Wyoming, United States.
Selected from the comments on the 1st volume
Alexandre Berlin, Advisor SEE Health Network: Many thanks - a most valuable edition, badly needed - congratulations.
Maria Ruseva, Executive Committee of the SEE Health Network: Invite Public Health professionals and researchers to follow it and eventually publish articles on their research.
Muhammad Wasif Alam, Dubai Health Authority-Head Quarter: Great job!!! We have been thinking of having a similar journal for the Arab world.
Leon Epstein, Dean emeritus, Brown School, Jerusalem: This is a terrific achievement.
Yehia Abed, Al-Quds School of Public Health, Gaza, Palestine: Congratulation. We hope all success for you. I will circulate it to our group.
Stoyanka Popova, Dean, Faculty of Public Health, Varna, Bulgaria: It sounds great! We are ready to contribute.
Jose M. Martin-Moreno, Advisor, WHO Europe: The first online edition is an excellent example of how varied professional expertise and personal enthusiasm can come together to make a valuable contribution to a new publication championing public health.
Authors have to declare the following where applicable:
All manuscripts (original research articles, reviews, and short reports) are evaluated by two external reviewers, who are asked to rate the manuscripts' importance and relevance, originality, and added scientific value. The Editors make every effort to get the reviews done within four weeks after submission. SEEJPH employs a single-blind reviewing policy which implies that the names of the reviewers are not disclosed to the authors. The COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers are available at: or at: DOI
For the time being, this new journal is publishing 2 Volumes per year at the end of the first and third quarters in addition to special volumes on selected topics.
Accepted contributions are published immediately in the Current Issue.
From January 2023, The article processing charges of the South Eastern European Journal of Public Health for the articles to be open access are detailed below:
Article Processing Fee(APC) 600 USD
Authors pay one-time article processing charges to cover the cost of peer review administration, management, and professional production of articles in PDF and other formats. The Fee also includes EOA (early online access) and typesetting of tables, figures, and/or appendices and is payable only after acceptance of the article.
Larger audience, complimentary view, downloading and printing, Increased number of citations. Articles are published rapidly, and special discounts as announced.
SEEJPH has adopted the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (, issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and acts following the international standards on publication ethics and publication malpractice ( For details, see also:
SEEJPH conforms to the "Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals," as specified by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (
SEEJPH adheres to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association ( If human participants are involved, a statement of approval by an institutional review board (IRB) and the participants' informed consent should be provided. A short explanation is required if IRB approval was not obtained or sought. In this context, SEEJPH follows the Guiding Principles for Ethical Research of the Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health (available at These are:
Commercial advertising is not permitted in SEEJPH.
Call for Papers for the Upcoming Issue.
The Last Date of Submission: November 30th, 2024
Advertising SEEJPH
South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH) – ISSN: 2197-5248
SJIF Impact Factor Evaluation [ 2020 = 6.051 ] SEEJPH is indexed in BASE, ERIH PLUS, EZB, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, OAJI, OCLC, SCOPUS, PubMed, SHERPA/ROMEO, SIS
Published by Uphills Publishers LLC, Sheridan, United States.