The willingness of COVID-19 vaccination and associated factors: A systematic review


  • Tiara Fani
  • Kriswiharsi Kun Saptorini
  • Aprilia Diah Anggreani



Aim: Vaccination is an effective approach to avoid infection and reduce morbidity and mortality of infectious diseases. However, in previous infectious disease vaccination programs, some people were hesitant to get vaccinated. To develop an effective vaccination program or policy, the government or public health officials need to understand the factors that influence the willingness of COVID-19 vaccination from the various studies.

Methods: Between 1-18 December 2020, articles were searched from PubMed and ScienceDirect with the following key terms: Willingness, Acceptance, Acceptability, COVID-19 vaccine, and COVID-19 vaccination.  Eligibility for article inclusion criteria was determined by PRISMA.

Results: 20 studies were included in this review. All studies were conducted in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. The willingness of COVID-19 vaccination ranged from 60-97% among the general population, 28-63% among healthcare workers, 56-65% among parents or caregivers, and 73% among factory workers. The common factors that affected the willingness of COVID-19 vaccination:  gender, age, education, individual perception about diseases and the vaccine, trust in the government, statements of public health officials and health providers.

Conclusion: Concerns about disease risk, effectiveness, and side effects are important factors associated with vaccination willingness. To avoid vaccination hesitancy in the community, public health officials need to disseminate detailed information about the vaccines like efficacy level and side effects, and continue to provide information about the risks of COVID-19 for personal health and others through various online media to avoid vaccination hesitancy.




How to Cite

Fani, T., Saptorini, K. K., & Anggreani, A. D. (2023). The willingness of COVID-19 vaccination and associated factors: A systematic review. South Eastern European Journal of Public Health.



Review Articles